Monday, June 25, 2012

The Adventures of a Shellatier™

Karen said shelling at Sanibel Island is her idea of the best vacation because she gets to learn so much about sea shells and experience actually searching for them herself and sorting them by species. She also loves creating original pieces with the collected shells when she gets back home to her studio.

Karen and her fiancé and President of Karen Robertson Collection, John, spent four days on the island collecting rare and beautiful shells and meeting artists who use them to create intricate works of art. 

Karen collected pounds of shells from the mounds that create the beach and island.

Karen with Bill Jordan, an award winning shell artist. Jordan has taken "Best in Show" at many of the world's most prestigious Shell Shows. His unique designs and exquisitely detailed mosaics take shape as Sailor's Valentines and in pocket watches.

Pocket watch shell art by Jordan, designed for Karen Robertson.


Shellatier is a trademark of the Karen Robertson Collection